A reader contacted me recently and begged me to get in touch with Laura Ingraham somehow. The Alaska Senate seat is ripe for the taking by the right Republican candidate. Alaska Republicans are desperate for a change—and desperately sick of Lisa Murkowski, the current senator from Alaska and an alleged (but only alleged) Republican.
So this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship—no, not between me and Laura Ingraham (whom I’ve never met and whose contact info I do not have, being a small fish in a small pond). This could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship between Laura Ingraham and the state of Alaska, as well as between Ingraham and Alaska Republicans.
This is the beginning of something special: a genuine, honest-to-goodness “draft Laura Ingraham” movement.
Alaska happens to be the cheapest market in which to run a Senate campaign, given that there are hardly any people up there, even if you count the 50 polar bears and the 400 moose. Fundraising for someone who already has star power should be a breeze. Maybe you need $80 million to run a Senate campaign in Texas, but you sure don’t in Alaska.
Everyone in Alaska already knows who Laura Ingraham is, and they all like her. Name recognition isn’t an issue. They also know who Lisa Murkowski is—and they can’t stand her. The Republican Party machinery in Alaska is cowed by her, but an outsider need not care. Someone like Laura Ingraham could walk in and just take the seat. Yes, that’s right—it’s that bad up there, the voters are that frustrated with Lisa Murkowski, and the seat is that ripe for the picking. How do I know this? Here are just a few representative comments from a handful of Alaskans.
Todd, a small business owner, has this to say about Murkowski:
Any conservative who pays attention knows she votes with the Dems (second only to Susan Collins). Problem is she gets elected by Democrats! If you go to her Twitter page, you’ll see all the fawning and adoration coming from school teachers, university, and government employees. She garners half the Republican vote just because she’s registered as a Republican and gets the majority of the Democratic votes because they know she will support their agenda. How can she lose? I believe I saw a newscast stating she voted with Obama 73 percent of the time while Collins nudged her out for 74 percent of the time.
Now, we all understand Susan Collins’ situation: She is from Maine. If she started voting like a Tea Party Republican, she’d be out of a job in no time. But, before you criticize Collins, keep this in mind—when the chips were down, she voted to confirm Brett Kavanaugh.
Whatever else you say about her, Susan Collins had the courage to take a difficult vote, when many male Senate Republicans would have preferred to run for the hills. Lisa Murkowski, on the other hand, lost her nerve when her voters needed her, and voted with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.).
And don’t just take my word for what Alaskans are thinking. Here is Jeanne, a retired university employee, on the subject of Murkowski and her Kavanaugh vote:
Murkowski is not a Republican; she is a Democrat. She should either run as a Democrat or become a true Republican. I thought her vote on Kavanaugh was disgusting. That was the last straw for me. Someone has to run against her and dethrone her! She thinks she is entitled to her position—she thinks she is the princess of Alaska.
I don’t know about princesses, but if anyone can make Murkowski into an ex-princess, it’s Laura Ingraham. (And speaking of ex-princesses, Meghan Markle is settling in Western Canada, and will be Lisa Murkowski’s next-door neighbor soon—with luck, two ex-princesses can get together for tea, and ruminate on various woke questions.)
There is more. Here is Joe, a federal employee—like everyone else who had something to say about the subject, he doesn’t seem to be a big fan of Murkowski’s:
Murkowski is useless to the people of Alaska, her constituents. Her political ideologies do not align with us. She is self-centered and self-serving. She continues to be elected first on her daddy’s coattails and then through no viable candidate capable of putting on a campaign that has a chance to obtain the financial backing that she has. It is unfortunate that she fails to represent Alaskans.
That sounds pretty negative to me. But Joe is not the only one who sounds negative on Murkowski. Stuart, an Alaska farmer (don’t ask me how he manages to farm in the Arctic permafrost), says:
I am very disappointed that she is my senator. I am very disappointed that she does not support Donald Trump, especially since he was the first president to open ANWR. It’s time for her to get on board and start representing Alaska!
The bottom line is, Lisa Murkowski has lost the trust of Alaska Republicans. Think Stuart is unrepresentative of the great outdoorsmen of the great state of Alaska? Think again. Here is Harold, a retired state policeman:
Lisa Murkowski is consistently disappointing conservative voters who she claims to represent as a Republican. She inherited all the liberal lobbyists of her father. She is a lying Democrat who only pretends to be a Republican in election years. We need to get rid of her!
Laura, if you’re reading this (and I sure hope you are), you won’t even have to try very hard to convert anyone—they are thirsty for somebody, anybody, other than Lisa Murkowski. Don’t believe me? Here is Robin, retired military:
The only positive thing I can say about Senator Lisa Murkowski is that she is not quite as far to the left as Nancy Pelosi—at least not yet. The only time Murkowski even pretends to be conservative is when it is an election year. When Obama was president, he found that Murkowski was his reliable swing vote in the Senate. Murkowski is completely in bed with Planned Parenthood, forcing the rest of us to pay this corrupt organization to execute children. Murkowski hates Donald Trump, and takes delight in breaking ranks with the rest of the party to criticize him. Her vote against Kavanaugh was a disgrace; her incoherent speech on why she was going against her party was an embarrassment. Please Mr. Trump, save us from Lisa Murkowski! She is not your friend and not a friend to the Republican Party! Please send someone to Alaska to run against her in the primary!
I am not sure that it’s within Trump’s power to send anybody to Alaska, but I am channeling Tony Robbins at this moment, and I believe it is within our collective power to draft Laura Ingraham. Consider this article the opening salvo.
I have a feeling that President Trump remembers very well how Murkowski voted on Kavanaugh, and he won’t forget her weaselly comments in the current impeachment kerfuffle either. Trump knows who his friends are—and he knows who his enemies are.
Murkowski is what stands between a summary dismissal of the impeachment, and continuing with that travesty. Republicans everywhere, not just in Alaska, are rock solid in their belief that this impeachment farce is not just an attack on Trump—at its heart, it’s an attack on them. So I am pretty sure Ingraham could count on Trump campaigning for her—and I am just as sure Trump will find a receptive audience in Alaska.
Jan, a retired teacher, also doesn’t mince words on the subject of Murkowski:
I have lived in Alaska for over 50 years, and I have seen a lot of politicians come and go. Murkowski is not on my list of good politicians. If you run as a Republican—vote Republican! Lisa Murkowski seems to crave attention and wants to be in the news. She only receives attention when she goes against Trump and the Republicans. She has been bought and paid for by the teachers’ unions. She votes pro-death, which is against the Republican platform and against the teachings of the Church.
Things sure look shaky there for Murkowski—the only reason she might get reelected is that nobody of any consequence is willing to run against her. Which is where we come in with the “draft Laura Ingraham” campaign.
Pat is a retired union worker and not even a hard-core Republican—but even he has no kind words to say about his current senator:
I am nonpartisan but usually vote Republican. I have lived in Alaska for 45 years. Senator Murkowski is willing to compromise her stated beliefs-that makes her morally bereft and untrustworthy. She says she doesn’t believe abortion is right but votes for it anyway because it is legal. Is that ignorant or stupid? I suspect she will vote for whatever will benefit her bottom line, and is not for the good of the people.
The bottom line is this: Laura Ingraham needs to get on a plane to Anchorage, pronto. (That’s the big city in Alaska, by the way, according to Wikipedia.) She needs to establish residency there. It probably wouldn’t hurt to learn a thing or two about Alaska (like, which tropical insect is the state insect, which surfboard manufacturer calls Alaska home, whether the plural of moose really is moose, that sort of thing). She needs to start setting up the campaign machinery. The 2022 election is only two-and-a-half years away, so there is no time to lose.
As a world-famous political expert and election prognosticator, I have a pretty good intuition about these things, and I know a winner when I see one. Laura, destiny is waiting for you—my crystal ball, which is almost never wrong, shows “2022, Senator Laura Ingraham (R-Alaska).”