It’s high time American voters lodged a complaint with the Better Business Bureau (“BBB”) against an entity with a sketchy history of bogus claims and broken promises: the Democratic Party.
According to the BBB:
Misleading advertising occurs when, in the promotion of a product or any business interest, a representation is made to the public that is false or materially misleading. If a representation could influence a consumer to buy the product or service advertised, it is material. To determine whether an advertisement is misleading, the courts consider the “general impression” it conveys, as well as its literal meaning.
With that in mind, as both an oxymoron and an exercise in false advertising, the Democratic Party isn’t democratic.
In our constitutional republic, the sovereign citizenry, through elections, must consent to delegate their power to their elected servants. Even when enumerated by the Constitution, the citizenry’s delegation of power to their elected servants is temporary; and may be altered or extinguished by the people through means such as elections or the constitutional amendment process. It is this ultimate power of the citizenry that constitutes the revolutionary foundational principle of and the inviolable right of the people within our free republic.
This is why the Democratic Party isn’t democratic, unless one disingenuously uses the term in its bastardized Soviet iteration.
Sure, the Democratic Party wants everyone to vote regardless of citizenship; and, the party offers everyone an equality of dependency and misery in their socialist dystopia. But this is the egalitarian pose the Democratic Party necessarily assumes to take power from the people. Then, having duplicitously and, tragically, attained power by blathering on about the peril posed to “our democracy,” their electioneering mask slips and the Democratic Party promptly proceeds to imperil our constitutional republic by serving the voting public up to the unaccountable administrative state.
This undemocratic outcome is the ineluctable result of the Democratic Party’s “progressive” ideology: “experts” are better at managing government—i.e., your life and pursuit of happiness—than are you.
Thus, for the Democratic Party, voting is a one way street to empowering elitists: once the voters consent to delegating their powers to the government in the manner the Left deems acceptable, the Democratic Party holds that such delegation is permanent.
And they empower the administrative state to ensure it remains permanent. Within the Democrats’ administrative state, each bureaucracy’s overarching goals are its own preservation and perpetuation, with its professed mission subordinate to these goals. From its inception these two overarching goals are zealously pursued through means such as lobbying its legislative creators and champions; utilizing its rulemaking authority for its own benefit; similarly using its administrative adjudications and/or quasi-judicial hearings; and, as seen in its most extreme, colluding with House Democrats to impeach a president who they rightly fear as an existential threat to the administrative state.
Witness how the Left parades the administrative and academic elites (when not hiding them in Adam Schiff’s basement) through the show trial impeachment sham. Underneath all the wailing and gnashing of teeth coming from these unelected bureaucrats is an affronted dismay at the realization their “expert” opinions were not obeyed by the elected president of the United States.
Welcome to the Democratic Party’s undemocratic administrative state where, as Winston Churchill warned: “After a time, civil servants tend to become no longer servants and no longer civil.” And Americans become no longer sovereign citizens but serfs.
Such, then, is the bitterly ironic fruit of empowering the administrative state’s elitist “experts” to impose the “Medicare for All,” “hate speech” codes, “universal incomes,” and other schemes of equally oppressive ilk from the Democrats’ undemocratic agenda: Citizens will not control government; government will control citizens. (Hence, the inclination of Democrats to grovel for the approval of European elitists.)
Such is not democracy; it is tyranny.
Better Business Bureau complaint or no, since accurately renaming themselves the Tyranny Party isn’t a vote grabber, doubtless the Democratic Party will claim some “higher loyalty” to the “common good” of “our democracy”; flout the laws the rest of us must follow; and, abetted and amplified by their handmaiden media, their false advertising will continue indefinitely.
What a crock of . . . claims.