During the screening of a new film about the 2016 presidential election, one celebrity earned a standing ovation from the Hollywood crowd: Representative Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), chairman of the House Intelligence Committee and top Trump antagonist now tasked with impeaching the president.
In a side-splitting puff piece published in the New York Times over the weekend, Schiff is portrayed as the latest “it-boy” in Tinseltown thanks to his role playing the hero in the Beltway reality show based on crushing the villain in the White House. Legendary producer Norman Lear called Schiff an “American hero.” Fans grasped for his hand. Actress Patricia Arquette swooned at the sight of the would-be Trump-slayer.
“At home in his district, which stretches from West Hollywood to Pasadena and north to the San Gabriel Mountains, Mr. Schiff is well acquainted with the celebrity lifestyle,” reporters Sheryl Stolberg and Nicholas Fandos cooed.
Schiff, the ballyhoo goes, is quite comfortable as Hollywood’s hottest ticket because he has cool friends in high places and once toyed with being a screenwriter.
“In some ways, he’s become the chief storyteller of this drama-filled political moment,” Washington Post reporter Ben Terris wrote in yet another lengthy Schiff profile on November 1. “Can he give the Trump presidency a Hollywood ending?”
Coup-plotting has been profitable for the megalomaniacs in charge of the ongoing operation to destroy Donald Trump. Not only is Schiff feted by all the Beautiful People, he is now raking in big bucks from across the country even though Schiff routinely beats his Republican opponent by a 3-1 margin in a safely Democratic district.
Schiff’s campaign raised more than $6 million in the 2017-2018 election cycle as his sabotage of Trump’s presidency got underway; Schiff has raised more than $4 million this year alone. Some speculate Schiff will challenge California Senator Kamala Harris, now running a struggling campaign for president, in 2022.
By way of contrast, consider that the Los Angeles-area Democrat raised less than $1 million for his 2016 reelection.
Trump slaying, it seems, pays well.
“Get Trump” Is Big Business
Schiff isn’t the only coup-plotter earning fame and fortune for his dirty anti-Trump deeds. Since being fired by President Trump in May 2017, former FBI Director James Comey has written a best-selling book and embarked on a nationwide book tour. He’s appeared on “The Late Show” with Stephen Colbert and on “The View.” Comey also just landed a paid gig as a regular columnist for the Washington Post.
Looking for a lecture about how great Jim Comey is? Consider hiring Jim Comey for your next think tank conference or Ivy League panel discussion for the low, low price of $200,000. Book now before Comey becomes an even bigger star. And that’s sure to happen because Emmy-award winning actor Jeff Daniels is set to play the man who exonerated Hillary Clinton, opened an investigation into Trump’s presidential campaign, lied about it to Congress, kept a secret diary of his meetings with Donald Trump and now is the subject of several federal investigations himself in an upcoming CBS miniseries.
Want juicy details about how to use political opposition research as the rationale to spy on a rival presidential campaign and violate the constitutional rights of an American citizen in the process? Former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, Comey’s co-signer for the first FISA warrant on Trump campaign aide Carter Page, can wow the crowd for $50,000 to $100,000. No doubt she also can give the inside scoop about how to fabricate outlandish charges against a president’s national security advisor to get him fired.
Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and former CIA Director John Brennan also are available for a tidy sum. (Clapper’s six-figure fee is publicly available; Brennan’s varies based on the event but one can safely assume it’s close to if not higher than Clapper’s.) The pair authored the infamous intelligence community assessment claiming the Russians disrupted the 2016 election to help Trump and hurt Hillary Clinton.
They not only concocted and executed the initial stages of the Russian collusion hoax but have remained harsh critics of Trump, his administration and Trump-supporting Republicans. Brennan has accused President Trump of committing treason, betraying the nation, and giving aid and comfort to the enemy (Russia) among other crimes. Prior to the release of the Mueller report, Brennan claimed that a Trump family member would be indicted.
Over the weekend, Brennan suggested—without evidence—that a million votes might have been swayed by Russian election “interference.” This is why Brennan not only is a hot commodity on the Left’s speaking circuit, but is paid to arouse NBC/MSNBC viewers on a regular basis as the network’s Trump-hating “intelligence expert.”
Clapper, meanwhile, can be found on the set of CNN. (He also wrote a best-selling book in 2018.) Joining him on CNN’s roster of coup-plotting Trump foes is Andrew McCabe, Comey’s former deputy who, during his brief stint as acting FBI director after his boss was fired, opened up a criminal investigation into the sitting president of the United States. (McCabe also wrote a best-selling book in 2018. See a pattern?)
McCabe’s GoFundMe account raised nearly $540,000 after he was fired in 2018 for misconduct. That money now sits in McCabe’s legal defense fund. Ditto for McCabe’s sidekick, former FBI agent Peter Strzok. The lover of fellow coup-plotter Lisa Page and hater of Trump voters has raised $450,000 on his GoFundMe page.
But as the coup-plotters sell books, give high-priced speeches, and toil as political pundits, their victims struggle to regain their lost finances, reputations, and careers.
“What happened to people who worked for me, good people…they went bust trying to pay for their legal fees,” Trump told Fox News’ Sean Hannity in an interview last month. “They came to Washington to do a fantastic job, they were bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. And they left and they were dark people. They left dark. And this was all a phony scam.”
Fortunately, many of the coup-plotters profiting from that pain are under investigation themselves. Let’s hope their largess will be depleted on hefty legal bills—perhaps even bail—sometime very soon.