Democrats have become the party of thuggery, from the top leaders abusing President Trump as a traitor and criminal, to the Antifa black shirts beating up Trump supporters in Democrat cities. The ginned up hysteria over Trump’s election has grown with Trump’s triumphant successes with the economy and national security.
The Democrats’ motivation for the fake impeachment crisis is obvious—they have no platform and no candidate that gives them a path to the White House. What is less obvious is why three years of ugly, crude propaganda, threatened and actual violence, wearisome agitation and lies is playing so well to previously normal Democrats.
The Democrat Party has veered far left very fast, without any pushback from within the party. Their voters have turned, seemingly overnight, from normal American citizens to a deranged mob after Trump’s blood. This weird transformation is normalized by blaming it on Trump himself, and the shock of his victory. A moment’s reflection shows how superficial that derangement explanation is.
Trump did not make the Vermont socialist Bernie Sanders a powerful political force in 2016. He is not responsible for Elizabeth Warren’s desire to confiscate people’s wealth. Trump did not cause the majority of Democrats to reject freedom of speech and religion, or to prefer socialism to capitalism. How did those radicals become so powerful that they now dominate the party leadership?
There is nothing in what Trump has done as president that explains the unconstitutional attacks against him. It is the reverse—the attempt to frame and entrap President Trump and his team as traitors with Russia, was begun by the Obama DOJ, FBI, CIA and White House before his inauguration. It was the Obama Administration’s actions that necessitated the all-out attempt to delegitimize President Trump before he could expose them.
President Trump did nothing to provoke the Obama intelligence community framing him as a Russian traitor. You have to look at President Obama to understand this unprecedented attempt to overturn a presidential election. Our press, including most of the conservative press, has always been unwilling to focus on Obama, and the Marxist forces he unleashed in American politics. We can’t even use the word Marxist without the taint of supposed “McCarthyism.” Better to use vague terms such as “radical” or “Left,” or better still, avoid the deeper issues by calling the war against our president “derangement.”
The Mueller investigation and the phony impeachment would have been impossible without #TheResistance insisting on radical partisanship. The propaganda war against Trump hasn’t touched his loyal, grateful, voters, but it has turned normal Democrats into mindless haters.
There is nothing so terrible about President Trump that he can’t be treated fairly and rationally by the press and his opponents. Derangement is a choice. It is a strategy. It is true that President Trump often breaks norms of how politicians talk. He is rude. He does troll his opponents and purposely make them lose control. At the same time, his policies and his achievements are centrist; they would have been acceptable if a President Clinton proposed them.
Trump is obnoxious to his political opponents, but he is also warm, charming, and funny. He is loving and protective towards ordinary Americans of all colors, genders and sexual preferences, new citizens and old. He has off-the-charts common sense and patriotism, and plain speaking.
The president’s reality-based policies on energy, regulation, trade, job creation, and China have made each of us more prosperous and safer. These are not distant achievements. Trump has made the lives of ordinary people better in concrete ways that can’t be hidden by Democrat talking points, by bringing the working class and unemployed jobs, fighting crime, and controlling our southern border. And he would have done more if not for Democrat obstruction. He has done more to help the poorest Americans achieve a better life than any president in living memory.
Ordinary Democrats’ extreme hatred of Trump and his supporters is far from normal. Insisting we enforce immigration laws on the books is not the second coming of Hitler. Democrats genuinely believe it is. They talk themselves into nonsense, while Trump is gains popularity among Hispanic voters (who made up 30 percent of the audience at his rally in New Mexico). The fact that Presidents Clinton and Obama both urged securing our borders makes no difference. When Trump obeys American law, he is evil.
I asked a neighbor, a Democrat moderate, why he hated President Trump. His answer: Charlottesville.
The idea that Trump praised neo-Nazis after Charlottesville is an outright lie about what the president said. It is easily rebutted by the videos and transcripts, but—typical of the propaganda-inflamed mob—rebutting the lie makes absolutely no difference. My neighbor “knows” Republicans are racists and nothing will shake that belief.
This is a huge winning propaganda stroke for the Democrats. My neighbor actually agrees with the president’s policies on the border, on China, knows the economy is doing well, can see the country is at peace—none of that matters, he thinks Republicans are deplorable racists.
We accept Democrats despising Republicans as racist as though it were normal, but we shouldn’t. Republicans believe what every decent American believed during the Civil Rights era—that everyone should be treated equally regardless of race, period.
The Democrats’ conviction that half the country, led by Donald Trump, is white supremacist in its outlook is just plain weird. Trump was elected by winning over Midwestern voters, the salt of the earth, who had previously voted for Obama. Trump’s rhetoric on race has been unifying, not divisive, typified by his favorite phrase, “whether we are black or brown or white, we all bleed the same red blood of patriots, we all enjoy the same glorious freedoms, and we all salute the same great American Flag.” Remember his great line in his inaugural address: “When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice. The Bible tells us, ‘How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity.’”
Trump’s actions on race follow his rhetoric. Whether it is with mainstream economic opportunity zones in the inner city, or his response to the black communities desire for incarceration reform, or his economic policies which have helped minorities more than any other segment of the population, his policies show a deep commitment to helping the black community.
Yet good-hearted Democrats “know” Trump is divisive, and that it is their party which brings the country together.
The number of Democrat liberals fighting back against the libel, the hate, and hard leftists taking over over their party is miniscule. Alan Dershowitz comes to mind. I know there are a few others, but I can’t recall them at the moment.
What is going on?
“How evil is the left? This evil,” John Hinderaker wrote after the “appalling” Antifa attacks on Trump supporters and police in “nice” Minnesota. But not a single Democrat politician or media voice finds the violence appalling. Just the opposite—a Democrat legislator participated in the riot, while others, including U.S. Representative Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), tweeted their approval.
“Are there any moderate Democrats left?” Hinderaker asked.
It’s an important question. Why aren’t Democrats fighting for their own party—and our country—against the hostile takeover by the Left?