If you want to know why the New York Times recently disgraced itself with the flailing hit piece against sitting Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh, you need look no further than the absolute disaster the last 12 months have been for the myths necessary to maintain public support for abortion in the United States.
Here are a few examples.
The Backfiring Baby-Parts Trial
As Madeline Osburn notes, after kicking in the door of a journalist duo’s office to seize his research materials, the mighty California criminal justice system charged David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt with the crime of embarrassing Planned Parenthood.
There is no dispute that their reporting truthfully exposed Planned Parenthood’s grotesque and illegal practice of harvesting organs and limbs of aborted babies to sell. California Attorney General Kamala Harris’s office coordinated with abortion-rights advocates to target Daleiden and Merritt and work up a criminal pretext to punish them for exposing the abortion provider’s vile business practices.
The trial has been an unmitigated disaster for Planned Parenthood. Among the more noteworthy highlighted by Osburn: “A former director for Planned Parenthood said, ‘We’ve been pretty successful’ when asked about the ability to flip a baby in the womb to breech position in order to extract it with the head intact for brain harvesting. ‘Doing so is more dangerous to the mother but more profitable for companies that sell baby body parts for research.’”
Northam Accidentally Tells the Truth
Virginia Governor Ralph Northam (D) openly confirmed that he supports legal post-birth abortion. Earlier this year, he said, “I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if this is what the mother and the family desired. And then a discussion would ensue between the physician and the mother.”
Northam’s remarks echo a grisly observation by former abortionist Kermit Gosnell during his 2013 murder trial. There’s no moral difference between killing a viable baby in the womb and one that has made it out of the woman’s body. Northam has now admitted as much to the world by suggesting that the death of a born baby will be allowed if the mother intended an abortion. The absence of leftist condemnation of “post-birth abortions,” is revealing and shocking to many Americans.
Two Triumphs on the Silver Screen
Two movies, “Gosnell” and “Unplanned,” have carefully documented and recreated the morbid assembly line of murder that abortion has become in America. Speaking for myself, the movies converted me from an abortion agnostic to a passionate opponent. Both movies were relative hits and undoubtedly changed many people’s hearts and minds forever.
Another Gruesome Discovery of Abortion Remains
After Illinois abortion practitioner Dr. Ulrich Klopfer died on September 3, authorities discovered a stockpile of frozen baby parts from 2,246 unborn babies. (Recall that Philadelphia police found preserved or frozen baby parts at Gosnell’s clinic, amid filthy and unsanitary conditions.) The maintenance of a trophy collection of baby parts at his home points to an unfathomable demonic madness one would normally expect to find in a prolific serial killer. Oh, wait . . . maybe that’s exactly why he kept those baby parts.
The Proliferation of “Heartbeat” Laws
In spite of the massive political power of Planned Parenthood and the abortion lobby, grassroots activists have begun to win state-by-state battles to pass “heartbeat” laws that ban abortion after the heartbeat of a baby can be detected. These victories have been rapid and stunning.
Court Cases Arising Through the Process
The National Organization for Women is currently tracking a number of cases working their way to the U.S. Supreme Court. With the confirmation of Justice Brett Kavanaugh, one case in particular, June Medical Services v. Gee, has abortion-rights advocates worried. The case concerns a law requiring doctors who perform abortions to have admitting privileges at a nearby hospital. Although the Supreme Court issued a temporary stay preventing the law from going into effect, Kavanaugh took the time to write a carefully worded dissent. Justice Kavanaugh would have denied the stay to force the abortion doctors to gain admitting privileges during litigation. That’s a strong indication he intends to uphold the law.
Planned Parenthood Relinquishes Federal Funds
One lesson from the “Unplanned” movie is that abortion is the principle profit source for Planned Parenthood. Its “counselors” are really just salespeople who pressure pregnant mothers to purchase the procedure. With this problem in mind, President Trump issued a rule forbidding Planned Parenthood from using federal funds to pay people to sell abortions to their customers. Because the sales pressure is essential to the Planned Parenthood business model, the organization decided to relinquish the federal funding rather than give up the sales pressure.
Blasey-Ford’s Attorney Admits It Was a Smear to Protect Roe v. Wade
As Mollie Hemingway reported at The Federalist earlier this month, Debra Katz, the attorney for the woman who accused Brett Kavanaugh of attempting to rape her 30 years ago, admitted that the allegations were made to help abortion politics.
“We were going to have a conservative [justice] … Elections have consequences, but he will always have an asterisk next to his name,” Katz said. “When he takes a scalpel to Roe v. Wade, we will know who he is, we know his character, and we know what motivates him, and that is important; it is important that we know, and that is part of what motivated Christine.”
Christine Blasey-Ford last year denied that politics motivated her decision to tell her story, but nobody really believed that. Hemingway co-wrote an excellent book chronicling the disgraceful treatment of Justice Kavanaugh during his confirmation process.
It has also come out that the Left attempted to blackmail the chief witness Blasey-Ford named to corroborate her story. The witness bravely refused to lie to help abortion politics. If the Right had attempted something similar, the perpetrator would be charged already with witness tampering. But since those laws were broken to help stop Trump from making an appointment to the Supreme Court, the crimes will go unpunished by our politically corrupt Justice Department.
For these reasons and more, the defaming accusation is losing its power as a weapon in the nomination process after the Left acted so despicably in the Kavanaugh confirmation fight. Everyone knows the next nominee will be accused of something heinous and that the truth of these allegations will be irrelevant. Thus, the confirmation process likely will be less indulgent of a Blasey-Ford successor the next time around.
Planned Parenthood’s Public Fight with Its Former President
Leana Wen was president of Planned Parenthood for only eight months when the board of directors ousted her for the heresy of suggesting the mission of the organization should shift from performing the maximum number of abortions (and lobbying for a permissive legal framework to do so) to women’s health. As the New York Times reported, “The internal turmoil underscores one of the group’s central tensions: Is it a political organization or a health organization first?” I guess we know the answer now.
Fewer Women Are Having Abortions
The U.S. abortion rate has fallen to the lowest level in decades, according to a new report. In 2017, the most recent data available, abortions fell to 862,320 from 1.3 million in 2000. That’s still the equivalent of a large city in America being snuffed out every year, so it’s hard to celebrate.
But if there is a silver lining to the New York Times story (for those depressed by the total failure of journalism) it’s that the Left is running out of coherent justifications for the current state of abortion in America. That’s why the Times can work-up outrage over a rumor of inappropriate sexual behavior from the 1980s but can’t find anything to say about allowing babies that survive abortions to die. It’s indefensible. So instead, their journalists defame a good man in a desperate attempt to prevent him from doing his job as a Supreme Court justice.
If the pro-abortion faction thought they had the winning argument, there would be no need for dirty tricks and intimidation.