The aphorism is as logical and demonstrable, as can be demonstrated by current events: “The more illogical the proposition, the more political the proposition.” Fortuitously, too, current events have conspired to reveal this aphorism intersecting with the political truism that “the Left accuses its victims of that which the Left is doing.”
Per CNN, U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is asserting that “every single day, [President Trump’s] just like taunting, taunting, taunting . . . Because he knows that it would be very divisive in the country, but he doesn’t really care. He just wants to solidify his base . . . Every day, he’s obstructing justice by saying this one shouldn’t testify and that one shouldn’t testify and the rest. So he’s making the case, but he’s just trying to goad us into impeachment.”
Let’s examine her propositions to see if they are illogical and, hence, political.
Does the President Want to be Impeached to “Solidify His Base”?
As is her party’s wont, Pelosi is portraying her caucus as the victims of a president and his “deplorable” supporters. This is despite the fact the Democrats have spent more than two years merrily smearing them all as treasonous, racist, and sundry other vile, baseless epithets. Even if Pelosi is oblivious, President Trump and his base are keenly aware of this.
Logically, then, the reality is that the Democrats are victims of themselves, because their own unwarranted calumny and despicable tactics have inextricably solidified the GOP behind the president; moreover, it then follows that he has no need for impeachment to “solidify” his base.
In fact, by claiming the only way for President Trump to solidify his base is to get impeached and divide the country and, moreover, that he cares not a whit about doing so, implies Republicans are desirous of the same and also don’t give a damn. Ironically, this is the very type of causal smear against the president and his supporters that helped solidify them behind him.
This Pelosi proposition is illogical and, thus, political.
Does the President Want to be Impeached “Because He Knows It Would be Very Divisive in the Country”?
Like any president, Donald Trump would like the country united behind his agenda. Yet, as most presidents do, he knows this is not going to happen. “No one pitches a shutout” is an old saw in politics. It means that no politician will ever have 100 percent support or even anything close to it.
Nancy Pelosi is no different. She, too, would love the country to unite around her caucus’ agenda, but that won’t happen, either. America has two major parties and a host of other parties precisely because such ideological unanimity on the vast majority of issues does not exist (which I would argue is a damn good thing). Ergo, in reality, on a day to day basis on the vast majority of issues the country is divided as to which public policies are most beneficial to the citizenry.
In newly alleging President Trump wants Democrats into impeach him, Pelosi deliberately ignores her party’s long expressed desire to impeach him. From his inauguration on, her caucus’ strident calls for and rashly filed articles of impeachment. And don’t forget the efforts of external Left-wing groups and Super PACs, such as Tom Steyer’s efforts to push for the president’s impeachment.
So who spent the last two years exacerbating the divisiveness in the nation over the issue of impeaching President Trump for supposedly being Putin’s stooge?
(Hint: it wasn’t Trump.)
This Pelosi proposition, too, is illogical and, thus, political.
Is the President “Every Day . . . Obstructing Justice by Saying This One Shouldn’t Testify and That One Shouldn’t Testify and the Rest”?
The Democrats’ earlier calls for Trump’s impeachment were based primarily upon the now-proven lie that he colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election.
True, Pelosi hasn’t ruled out Trump colluding with Putin, but Special Counsel Robert Mueller has. This wrinkle makes it impolitic for Pelosi to cite “collusion” as the main rationale for impeaching the president. Hence, her new emphasis is on “obstruction,” which Mueller did not rule out—or in, for that matter. (Attorney General William Barr, however, decidedly did rule it out).
Claiming he obstructed justice to mask a crime no one committed, Pelosi argues that, though other presidents (including the last one) have long exercised it, when President Trump asserts executive privilege it is more evidence of “obstruction” and further grounds for his impeachment.
Why? Apparently, the Constitution—or at least CNN—compels this president to servilely abnegate his duty to ensure the proper functioning of the executive branch to satisfy the partisan whims of House Democrats who by hook or crook or leak want to terminate his presidency ASAP.
Doubtless this tack also helps explain, in part, the rationale for smearing the attorney general, as Andrew McCarthy trenchantly observes: “the House Judiciary Committee’s party-line vote to hold Attorney General William Barr in contempt—for purportedly failing to produce a report he has actually produced . . . [W]hat Congress is demanding that Barr do is illegal—namely, disclose grand jury material to Congress in violation of Congress’ own law.”
In a nutshell from the Democrats’ Nut House, Pelosi and her caucus are claiming there is a “constitutional crisis” and that Barr must be held in contempt of Congress because he is honoring its request and following the law; and the president must be impeached for obstructing justice when no crime was committed and for following the tradition of asserting executive privilege.
Again, this Pelosi proposition is illogical and, thus, political.
So, Does the President Want House Democrats to Impeach Him or Not?
Notwithstanding how illogical or political this proposition, it is irrelevant.
Do not make the mistake of assuming that because Nancy Pelosi’s propositions are illogical and, thus, political, they won’t be efficacious to her party’s aims. The fact that she is no long Minority Leader Pelosi results from the 2018 midterm elections, wherein House Democrats were rewarded with a majority for their divisive, duplicitous smears of President Trump, his supporters, and the Republican majority.
And you can be absolutely certain that, if it is believed to be in their cynical interests, House Democrats will impeach President Trump.
Whether he wants them to or not.
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