The regressive Left in Humboldt County, California, may or may not have been dreaming of a “White Christmas,” but they damn sure don’t want a “too white” Women’s March.
According to the Washington Times, the organizers of that county’s third annual Women’s March, slated for January 19, canceled it for being—get this—“too white.” Per the report:
In a Facebook statement, the group said it opted to nix the third annual march “after many conversations between local social-change organizations and supporters of the march,” saying they would work on how to “broaden representation in the organizing committee . . . Up to this point, the participants have been overwhelmingly white, lacking representation from several perspectives in our community,” said the statement. “Instead of pushing forward with crucial voices absent, the organizing team will take time for more outreach.”
Naturally, marchers were disappointed: “‘I was saddened to hear that the March is off for 1/19,’ said David Holper. ‘Isn’t there still time to reach out to minority groups and make this event more inclusive? I’d be happy to help.’”
Let’s hope for Holper’s sake, the next march isn’t at risk of being scrapped for being “too male.”
Still, there was some good news for supporters. The group hopes it can increase its marchers’ diversity in time for International Women’s Day this March. This, however, might prove tricky.
Of the Northern California community’s 137,000 residents, 74 percent are white, 12 percent are Hispanic, 6 percent are Native American, 2 percent are Asian, and 1 percent is black. This pool of potential recruits could also be smaller if, Heaven forfend, some of the minorities are Trump supporters.
Precisely how the local organizers of the Women’s March plan to coax greater numbers of minorities to march behind its banner remains murky; nebulous, too, are the exact numbers of minorities, individually or collectively, who would constitute sufficient diversity for the march to proceed.
Further exacerbating the recruitment problem is the new competition for marchers from March On, the Women’s March Alliance, and other groups that have arisen in the wake of allegations of anti-Semitism among some of the founders of the Women’s March. (All have denied the accusation, for whatever that’s worth.)
Nonetheless, even if the diversity issue isn’t resolved, some supporters, such as Amy Sawyer Long, believe the march must go on. “I understand wanting a diverse group . . . [But] how is it beneficial to cancel? No matter the race, people still want their voices heard.”
Amen to such words of wisdom—that are understood all too well by every American of minority background who supports President Trump. Perhaps these MAGA supporters of color could help diversify the Humboldt County Women’s March?
No, they wouldn’t be welcome. But, more importantly, they wouldn’t go. They know—and every American should know—that the cancellation of the Humboldt County Women’s March for being “too white” is more damning evidence that the regressive Left cares only about the diversity of appearance not the diversity of opinion.
And what lemming wants to march in lockstep with that?
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