Two years ago on this day, I published my first article ever with American Greatness, titled “Hillary’s Useful Idiots.” The overarching thesis of the piece was that if Hillary Clinton won, #NeverTrumpers would be thrown under the bus by the Left the instant they started disagreeing with her, as they inevitably would.
Speaking of figures like Ben Shapiro and Erick Erickson, who had not abandoned their socially conservative bona fides, I asked, “Do they not realize the Left will lump them in with [Trump supporters]?”
Thankfully, Hillary did not win, and it turned out I was prescient about that eventuality, as well: “#NeverTrump had better pray that Donald Trump wins,” I wrote, “because then, liberals will be so desperate to pretend Trump is an unprecedented historical monstrosity that their little racket can keep going for at least four years.” For the likes of Max Boot and Jennifer Rubin, this is exactly the racket they’ve profited from.
However, even though Hillary did not win, the Left still demanded unconditional surrender, never more so than during the Kavanaugh confirmation. My question of whether #NeverTrump fully understood that the Left would lump them in with us deplorable Trump supporters, could’ve been written about Kavanaugh himself, not to mention his boosters. And, to their credit, a lot of former #NeverTrumpers realized they’d been so lumped in, and came to see the Left’s underlying contempt for them, albeit two years later than they could (and should) have.
All of which is to say, to the newly minted converts from #NeverTrump, the next time we deplorables warn you that you’re in danger too, listen to us.
Photo credit: Drew Angerer/Getty Images