If you told me a few years ago that I’d be singing the praises of South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, I would have laughed in your face. But such are the changes President Trump has wrought on the political landscape.
For there’s no question Graham saved the day at yesterday’s hearing into the allegations of 36-year vintage launched against Brett Kavanaugh. If Graham hadn’t taken the floor away from Rachel Mitchell, the prosecutor hired by the GOP Senate Judiciary Committee’s Republican members to do their job for them, she certainly would have continued on just as she began; asking questions that, while perfectly reasonable in the context of a legitimate and sincere inquiry, would have bored undecided voters to distraction and driven those of us in Kavanaugh’s corner to fester even deeper in our outrage as this strictly above board presentation was contrasted to the Democrat’s nakedly partisan attempts to make the honorable judge look bad for not wishing that this travesty of justice continue for untold more weeks while the FBI gathered more statements.
Someone needed to point out the obvious: that the last-minute public reveal of Blasey Ford’s allegations was a despicable scheme to delay the vote on Kavanaugh till after the election in the hopes that the balance of power in the Senate will have shifted enough to deny President Trump a chance to appoint someone to the Supreme Court. And Graham not only pointed that out, but he also described the evil the Democrats were inflicting on Judge Kavanaugh, his wife, and his children with such passionate and sincere outrage that, I confess, he brought me to tears.
Apart from Jeff Flake, the other GOP committee members followed Graham’s lead; but none came close to laying the ugly spectacle before us bare, and the only way Senator Graham could have done better is if all his Republican colleagues had ceded him their time. It’s tempting to say his performance was flawless, except it would demean the manifest honesty of Graham’s indignation to label it such. Lindsey Graham wasn’t performing; he was displaying his visceral disgust at discovering his Democratic colleagues’ willingness to go to the hideous length of destroying a good man and his family for political gain.
But Senator Graham’s authenticity and eloquence weren’t the only ways he proved superior to the Republican committee members who questioned Judge Kavanaugh in his wake. Graham also spent significantly less time than his GOP colleagues kowtowing to Christine Blasey Ford’s alleged honesty and suffering; something for which we should all be eternally grateful. Though Jeff Flake’s sniveling performance was hard to top, the rest of the committee’s Republican members went along with the sickening and preposterous rule that somehow has managed to worm itself into all public discourse concerning Blasey Ford. We are permitted to question the honesty of he whose account every single witness has confirmed but, not only are we forbidden from casting even the slightest aspersion at the honesty of she whose account every witness has denied; we must begin any discussion of her baseless allegations by singing hosannas to her virtuous suffering.
Give me a break.
Apart from the fact that all of Blasey Ford’s own witnesses contradict her; and apart from the inconsistencies in her story as to the number of witnesses and her vagueness about time and location; and apart from the fact that the notes her therapist took do not name Judge Kavanaugh; and apart from the manifest lie from the globe-trotting Dr. Ford about not wishing to fly; and apart from all the other problems with the gruesome fairy tale she’s peddling; Christine Blasey Ford is a member of Hillary Clinton’s “resistance.” She’s one of those delusional women who go to marches carrying vulgar signs and wearing hats fashioned after vulvas because she believes that Donald Trump’s electoral landslide against Hillary Clinton is somehow illegitimate.
The reasons change with the mainstream media headlines; sometimes it’s the ludicrous idea that Donald Trump is a paid agent of Vladimir Putin; sometimes it’s the fact that his lawyer paid a porn star to sign a non-disclosure agreement; other times it’s the alleged mental incompetence of a man who, in his first run for political office, captured the White House when all the experts said it was impossible. But the real reason for her infantile behavior, of course, is an equally infantile inability to cope with the natural ebb and flow of her party’s political fortunes so corrupting that she will believe and do anything to delegitimize the president.
Blasey Ford first made her accusations against Brett Kavanaugh in 2012, three decades after the fact, when he was being floated as a possible Supreme Court pick should Mitt Romney’s pathetic attempt to unseat Obama somehow miraculously succeed. Anyone who isn’t a complete imbecile knows that she never would have come forward with these allegations if Kavanaugh’s judicial philosophy had been more congenial to her own neoliberal worldview. I doubt you could even find many members of Hillary Clinton’s resistance shameless enough to claim otherwise. Her allegations clearly constituted a political hit job and all the evidence says she’s lying.
Moreover, her claims of psychological damage are preposterous. My father survived the Holocaust by escaping from Germany and walking to Russia; his parents were forced to dig their own graves and were machine-gunned into them. Yet, I never heard him or any of the other refugees who spent months at sea on the same ship with so little food that they were near starvation when it finally landed in America whine in the way Blasey Ford does over an alleged incident of a type that would have been mined for laughs on an episode of an early 80s sitcom. And, of course, it is an event that pales in comparison to the crimes of Democratic party saint Ted Kennedy and elder statesman Bill Clinton. I know dozens of people who’ve suffered far more horribly in the ordinary course of human experience than anything Blasey Ford alleges who endured no psychological damage whatsoever.
And, despite Lindsey Graham’s stalwart exposé of her Democratic handlers’ insidious scheme, it remains to be seen at this writing whether the torture she and her handlers have inflicted on a decent man and his family will succeed in also denying the nation a dedicated, principled, and intelligent Supreme Court justice. If we don’t somehow manage to get past this insane worship we feel obliged to pay to any woman the corporate media trumpets as a victim, there will be hell to pay. Sadly, for Brett Kavanaugh and his family, much hell has already been paid.
Photo Credit: Michael Reynolds-Pool/Getty Images