The New York Times has yet another editorial this week berating EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt. The paper is on a mission to not only force Pruitt’s ouster but damage his reputation so badly that it’s beyond repair—and certainly keep him from taking the helm of the Trump Justice Department.
The paper’s latest rant, “Scott Pruitt Has Become Ridiculous,” (irony alert!) admonishes Pruitt for his spending, his hubris, and his ineffectiveness. (Anyone else notice the Left’s sudden interest in arrogant politicians who spend too much taxpayer money?) It insists Pruitt’s “self-aggrandizing and borderline thuggish behavior has disgraced his office and demoralized his employees” and that any replacement will “lift the moral tone of a once-noble office that Mr. Pruitt has besmirched.”
After months of claiming Pruitt’s actions will destroy the planet and sicken children, now the Times scoffs how “he has actually accomplished very little in terms of actual policy.”
This editorial is the 85th piece in April alone mentioning Pruitt. The Times has published more than 400 articles, columns, or editorials about the EPA chief since he was nominated in December 2016.
In an appalling article on Sunday about the suicide of a well-known civil rights attorney, the Times quoted his partner, who said the victim had been “distraught recently over the national politics of climate change [and] all that’s going on with the Trump administration and the rollback by Pruitt at the Environmental Protection Agency.” Now Pruitt is responsible for a 60-year-old man setting himself on fire in a Brooklyn park? And folks wonder why he needs extra security…
Of course, Obama’s EPA received none of this scrutiny by the elite media—I’ve written about it here and here—despite egregious misconduct by his two administrators. For now, it looks like the Times’ propaganda campaign against Pruitt hasn’t persuaded the president to fire him. Let’s hope that holds.