Another day, another spasmodic Trump-inspired fit at the Washington Post. Can a newspaper suffer from Tourette’s syndrome?
NBC’s Andrea Mitchell was not pleased that Rex Tillerson rode his Harley Davidson in the annual Rolling Thunder event without prior notice to the media. Tweeting on behalf of the riled-up media, Mitchell “griped”: “@StateDept announces Mideast briefing with 22 minutes notice after no briefings for weeks and no alert Tillerson riding #RollingThunder.”
.@StateDept announces Mideast briefing with 22 minutes notice after no briefings for weeks and no alert Tillerson riding #RollingThunder
— Andrea Mitchell (@mitchellreports) May 30, 2017
“No alert”? Does anyone remember when it was the job of the media to find things out? They’ve become lazy and spoiled. Under to Obama administration they became stenographers and happily took dictation. So when John Kerry took a bicycle ride along a trail in the French Alps, in May 2015, following “negotiations” on Iran’s nuclear missile plans, he provided the media with a video memorializing it.
The WaPo Style Section, elaborating on Mitchell’s tweet, noted Tillerson’s attire at the motorcycle event: “It was Tillerson like we’ve never seen him before — instead of the usual staid suit, he wore dark sunglasses and a road-ready leather vest festooned with patches (including what looks like one bearing the State Department’s seal).”
John Kerry’s cycling attire was quite different when he set out on his ill-fated ride, as you can see in the picture below. Instead of his usual staid suit, Kerry was all in black lycra, save for a touch of blue that banded the bottom of the shorts he wore over his tights. His outfit was tastefully set off by bright yellow arm-warmers, and his orange helmet matched perfectly the color of his trail bike.
Even disregarding his scrupulous attention to bicycling attire,John Kerry could not be mistaken for your ordinary cyclist. When the former Secretary of State went for a ride, even somewhere as remote as the French Alps, he was attended by dozens of security personnel in large SUVs, thereby vitiating any environmental benefit that comes from riding a non-motorized vehicle.
Alas, after a few minutes on the trail, with all of his photographers and security getting in his way, Kerry hit a curb, fell off his bike, and broke his femur. Here is a photo the State Department posted on its website, showing Kerry in his bespoke hospital attire.
Rex Tillerson’s Rolling Thunder ride was much, much different, and as far as I know, he didn’t topple off his Harley. As you can see from the video below, Tillerson mingles freely with the bikers, obligingly poses for photographs and provides autographs. Especially sweet is the moment in the video at 1:42, where he waits as a biker calls his lady friend to have her photo taken with the current Secretary of State. And as far as I can tell, there’s no SUV security detail. You don’t need a security detail when you’re travelling in good company. So for all of Kerry’s pedaling, Tillerson’s got the more environmentally friendly carbon footprint.
Their respective hobbies—biking and cycling—say a lot about Tillerson and Kerry, and also about the administration each served.
Between the two groups, bicyclists tend to be the more self-absorbed, self-righteous group with a strong sense of entitlement. They wear tight costumes that show off their developed leg muscles, but they have undeveloped, spindly arms, which they hide under arm warmers, like Kerry’s yellow ones. They demand, and get, special lanes maintained at taxpayers’’ expense, that cause the regular vehicular traffic of commuters to be funneled into ever more narrow car lanes. They rarely obey traffic rules or signal their moves, and should the hapless car driver object to being cut off by them, they’ll curse at him and show him their middle finger.
Bikers, on the other hand, aren’t known to ask for special privileges. They do ask how they can help people. Like helping abused children regain their self-confidence and develop a sense of self-reliance. And like putting on a show to let school bullies know that their victims do not stand alone. Bullies don’t pick on kids when they’re made to understand that bikers have their backs.
American bikers are tough, self-reliant, and individualistic. They hate bullies, people who show bravery only when they’re in a mob, like the Antifas, the mainstream media and other leftist thugs. Unfortunately, bikers were a boomer phenomenon, and their numbers are dwindling as they give way to new generations of whiney lycra-clad louts. Like former President Obama, they care for little outside themselves, and they have no upper body strength. Hopefully, the Trump administration will make manliness fashionable again, and usher in a renewal of robust American vigor. Men like Donald Trump and Rex Tillerson allow us to hope that the Obama metrosexual brand will soon become a thing of the past.
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