How many far-left groups inspire violent physical attacks on mainstream advocacy organizations or intellectuals and yet still manage to maintain a more or less squeaky-clean image in the media?
Chances are you’d be hard pressed to name more than one group―in this case, the highly influential and affluent Southern Poverty Law Center headquartered in Birmingham, Alabama.
Nominally a public interest law firm, the SPLC relentlessly promotes the Big Lie, endlessly popular in the media, that conservative Americans―especially male Caucasians―are racists and a grave threat to the nation.
The Center treats all opposition to immigration and open borders as hate and all political expression of those views as hate speech. If you disagree with founder Morris Dees by questioning any aspect of the multiculturalist agenda, you are a bigot deserving of ridicule.
And if you’re Donald Trump, well, you’re morally irredeemable.
Take the case of American Enterprise Institute scholar Charles Murray who was recently hounded out of Middlebury College in Vermont by left-wing protesters likely marinated in SPLC propaganda. Murray blames the SPLC―which rarely engages him on the merits his highly sophisticated, nuanced, and misunderstood research touching upon race and IQ―for falsely characterizing him for years as “a white nationalist, white supremacist, racist, and sexist.”
An angry mob at Middlebury treated Murray like a neo-Nazi ogre and in the melee another academic present to discuss Murray’s ideas with him, Allison Stanger, a self-described Democrat who disagrees with Murray, suffered a concussion.
The SPLC also took aim at anti-PC crusader Dinesh D’Souza when he was AEI’s John M. Olin Fellow a little over a decade ago. The Center said AEI is part of “an array of right-wing foundations and think tanks [that] support efforts to make bigoted and discredited ideas respectable,” and that D’Souza is a scholar “whose views are seen by many as bigoted or even racist.” Opposition to affirmative action will get even a dark-skinned immigrant to the U.S. from India attacked by the SPLC.
The SPLC has been playing this deadly game for a long time.
align=”right” The Center is now pushing a concept called the “Trump Effect,” which it blames for thousands of cases of “prejudice,” “bullying,” and hate crimes in the nation’s schools.
Floyd Lee Corkins II admitted he relied upon SPLC reports when he shot up the national headquarters of the Family Research Council, wounding a guard. Because the group opposes same-sex marriage, it was designated a “hate group” by the Center, a characterization rejected even by the reflexively left-wing Dana Milbank. In a 2012 Washington Post column, he referred to the FRC as “a mainstream conservative think tank.”
“I disagree with the Family Research Council’s views on gays and lesbians,” he wrote. “But it’s absurd to put the group, as the law center does, in the same category as Aryan Nations, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, Stormfront and the Westboro Baptist Church.”
Who funds the SPLC hardly seems important at this point in the organization’s existence because it stopped needing new money a long time ago.
The fabulously wealthy 501(c)(3) nonprofit has an astounding one-third of a billion dollars ($353 million) in assets, as well as bank accounts in Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, and the Cayman Islands. In 2015 it reported revenue of $54.3 million to the IRS and expenditures of $45.4 million. If it were to halt all fundraising today, it’s not difficult imagining the SPLC being in the black perhaps past the year 2100. Despite its bulging treasury, since 2013 it has still managed to extract grants from philanthropies such as the Silicon Valley Community Foundation and the W.K. Kellogg Foundation.
And it is always on the hunt for new victims.
align=”left” The 45th president allegedly is such “an all-powerful, yet intimate, influence that he is inducing nausea and crying fits, not only in elementary school students, but also among their teachers.”
The candidacy and subsequent election of Donald Trump has been a godsend for the Southern Poverty Law Center. Trump’s arrival on the political scene has allowed the SPLC to open up a new front in its war against conservatives.
The Center is now pushing a concept called the “Trump Effect,” which it blames for thousands of cases of “prejudice,” “bullying,” and hate crimes in the nation’s schools.
As social critic Dr. Tina Trent has written, Trump is being blamed for “an alarming array of social ills afflicting schoolchildren, from bullying to poor grades to tummy aches to suicidal thoughts, may now be attributed to the election of Trump.”
The overwrought teachers reporting these outbreaks of mass hysteria are largely the same ones who eagerly lap up material from the SPLC’s “Teaching Tolerance” education project. That facility gives teachers lesson plans and professional development materials suited less for teachers and more for those who want to “fundamentally transform” America.
The 45th president allegedly is such “an all-powerful, yet intimate, influence that he is inducing nausea and crying fits, not only in elementary school students, but also among their teachers.”
Which gives the Southern Poverty Law Center much to do over the coming four to eight years.