President Trump’s Twitter feed remains a source of mainstream media consternation and of nervous fretting from weak-sister Republicans bent on returning to the days of Republicans taking the court as the Washington Generals.
But if Trump really wants to drive the Left crazy—and, let’s be honest, we hope he does—then there are any number of ways he can achieve that goal. In January we offered a list of 10 suggestions and we note that at least one of those suggestions (number 10 about eliminating the National Endowments for the Arts and Humanities) is getting some traction. And given what’s happening with the deterioration of the dam in Oroville, California, our first suggestion about earmarking money from the infrastructure stimulus bill seems . . . well, prescient.
But the last several weeks have featured an onslaught of escalating craziness from the Left, especially on college campuses. Places like Middlebury College in Vermont have erupted in violence proving, once again, that they are bastions of a clueless, out of touch, one-percenters.
Forthwith, in what we anticipate will be a recurring feature at American Greatness, we offer yet another edition of 10 Things Trump Could Do to Drive the Left (Even More) Crazy. Let’s call this one the “Campus SJW Edition”:
1) Demand all charges of sexual assault on campus be reported to police, and not just to an internal judicial process. Sexual assault is a crime. College judicial boards are not designed to investigate or punish crimes; they are designed to enforce college rules and regulations and to assign punishment for infractions of those, as they are free to do. It is a violation of the rights of the accused to bring them before these “courts” where accusations of criminal activity are, all too often, sufficient grounds for expulsion, fines, or reputation destroying witch hunts. If a crime has been committed, call the cops and let the proper justice system do its job.
2) Appoint Paul McHugh to lead a government study on what is best way to handle so-called “trans-gender” issues in our schools. When the Left objects to this approach, call them “deniers” and “anti-science.”
3) Speak of “Defending Western Civilization.” Note that the scandal of Yale rejecting a $20 million endowment to study Western Civilization. Note, too, that Stanford students last year rejected a referendum to restore the university’s once-great Western Civilization requirement by an incredible 6-1 margin. Too many of our elites dislike the civilization which has treated them so well. The president should speak proudly and often about the virtues of the West, particularly as they relate to immigration. Note the curiosity of so many people wishing to migrate to Western countries and leave non-Western nations behind. Perhaps there is something superior about the West?
4) Introduce legislation to reverse the “Grove City” decision. Federal mandates for institutions receiving federal funding should not apply to private institutions just because students choose to attend them with while receiving federally guaranteed loans or grants (e.g., the G.I. Bill).
5) Denounce the “nihilistic” protests against mainstream conservatives on campus. Blame “radical white billionaire” and convicted insider trader George Soros for backing yet another “astroturf” campaign.
6) Speaking of astroturf, suggest that until Obamacare is repealed, any group caught paying protesters also must be providing healthcare coverage.
7) Before meeting the Austrian Ambassador, make a point of telling the press he, “Studied Austrian in school.”
8) In a speech lauding students for their support of a clean environment, announce that the federal government will sue the sponsors of the recent Dakota pipeline protests for the cost of cleanup.
9) Give a major speech at liberal arts college or a major research university and make the case that institutions of higher learning would be better off if they closed down their “diversity” offices. Such programs only encourage students to think of themselves as victims and do not teach students to understand their role as Americans—men and women who can think for themselves and run their own lives. In other words, these other schools fail in their missions to create self-governing citizens.
10) Call for a repeal of “hate crimes” laws. These laws represent totalitarian efforts to police thought, he should say. A murder is no less a murder and assault is no less an assault if it is done for reasons other than what we deign to call “hate.” And who determines what “hate” is, anyway? If Congress will not repeal these laws, insist that they begin to include terms like “redneck,” “hick,” and “hillbilly” to the list of hate-speech terms and those who are subjected to those epithets among the protected classes.
That’s 10 ideas to drive the Left further into madness. We have even more. Do you? Leave your suggestions in the comments. Special thanks to Richard Samuelson for his contributions.