American Greatness Publisher Chris Buskirk joined David Greene today on NPR’s Morning Edition to discuss whether the “Trump Effect” will last past the election, what it is, and what it might mean for American politics.
The short answer is Buskirk hopes the “Trump Effect” will last—if we understand that to mean a politics of personal conviction, one that is more authentic (and yes, sometimes more raw) than the bland, anodyne, focus-group tested talking points we’ve grown accustomed to hearing from candidates.
Bernie Sanders spoke to a part of the Democrat base in a way that Hillary Clinton never would and probably never could. She doesn’t have it in her. While Buskirk disagrees with his big government solutions, he appreciates his authenticity.
Donald Trump is more interesting yet and perhaps more revolutionary. He exposed the gulf between Republican voters and Republican media and political elites on a host of core issues. He broke with Republican orthodoxy on issues like immigration, trade, and foreign policy and gave future candidates permission to do the same. He even opened the door for Republicans to run against Wall St. and the Chamber of Commerce agenda. And it’s about time. For years now, their agenda has favored rent-seeking and crony capitalism at the expense of average Americans.
Regardless of the outcome of the election, we can expect more Republicans and self-identified conservatives to develop and run on a platform of border security, interests based foreign policy that is skeptical of foreign military intervention and winless wars, and trade policy that actively advances the interests of American workers.
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